ZoomLCD help - 3. Installing

To have any use for ZoomLCD you'll first need ZoomPlayer, LCDSmartie and probably som LCD/VFD dispaly device.

3.1 ZoomPlayer

Can be downloaded from http://www.inmatrix.com you may test it for free, but if you continue to use it you will have to pay for it. ZoomPlayer can play most media files, and DVD depedning on version. Running the installer downloaded from http://www.inmatrix.com and following its instructions should place it on you computer.

3.2 LCDsmartie

Can be downloaded from http://lcdsmartie.sourceforge.net it is freeware, and completely free in it self. Running the installer downloaded from http://lcdsmartie.sourceforge.net and following its instructions should place it on you computer.

3.3 ZoomLCD

Can be downloaded from http://solid-programs.com you may test it for free, but if you continue to use it you will have to pay for it.
To install it run the zl.exe file. During install you will be given the option to overwrite your current LCDsmartie setup, your old setup will be backedup in the ZoomLCD/backup directory. The new configuration is a simple example setup giving the readouts from zoomplayer. Even if you don't select to overwrite the current setup, this example setup can be found in the ZoomLCD directory, named "config.ini". On uninstall of ZoomLCD you will be given the option to restore the pre install LCDSmartie config.
The plugin in it self is named zp.dll and can be found in the LCDSmartie/plugin directory.

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